
News and opinion on KiwiSaver and retirement planning from industry-leading writers such as David Chaplin, Cameron Bagrie and more. BusinessDesk covers all areas of personal finance with an unbiased, editorially-independent approach. 
State of the KiwiSaver providers at 14

David Chaplin: State of the KiwiSaver providers at 14

A band of high-growth new entrants is nipping at the heels of the big, entrenched KiwiSaver providers.

David Chaplin 15 Sep 2021
BNZ hacks KiwiSaver fees
News in Brief

BNZ hacks KiwiSaver fees

The new fees are as much as 18 basis points lower than they were, although still 10 points above its default offer. 

Staff reporters 14 Sep 2021
Crypto ‘stabilises’ KiwiSaver portfolios, NZ Funds CEO tells MPs

Crypto ‘stabilises’ KiwiSaver portfolios, NZ Funds CEO tells MPs

The fund manager said he sees bitcoin as a type of technology investment that doesn’t rise and fall with most other growth assets.

Dan Brunskill 08 Sep 2021
Faking it: only half of ethical funds managers meet best practice

Faking it: only half of ethical funds managers meet best practice

Responsible investment is booming, a new RIAA study shows, but the majority of self-described ethical funds are doing less than they could be. 

Dan Brunskill 08 Sep 2021