Esquires, the coffee chain owned by Cooks Coffee Company, has reported strong growth in the UK and Ireland markets.

In the first 10 weeks of the financial year, Esquires' store sales in the two countries increased 23.7%.

In the UK, store sales were up 30.1%, with like-for-like sales growing by 5.5%.

This was attributed to the contribution of new stores, which accounted for 34.6% of total sales.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, store sales rose by 11.7%, while like-for-like sales increased 8%.

Esquires' performance in the UK and Ireland markets is significant, as it represented 89.3% of the company's franchised store sales and 98.4% of its revenue for the year ended March 31, 2024.

The company's expansion strategy and strong sales growth were seen as indicators of its resilience and ability to attract and retain customers.

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