Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited (PCT) has reported a strong financial performance for the 12 months ended 30 June 2022.
Net Property Income (NPI) of $126.1 million was achieved, with $8.3 million of rental support provided mainly to retailers due to lockdown impacts.
Total comprehensive income after tax was $108.8 million, with Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO) of 6.51 cents per share (cps).
Gearing at 34.3% is well under the PCT borrower covenant level of 50%.
High portfolio occupancy of 99% and 7.1 year weighted average lease term (WALT) were achieved following leasing success in the period.
The company has also formed a strategic investment partnership with Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC, and has $854 million of value-add development projects currently underway.
Dividends paid to shareholders and attributed to the 2022 financial year totalled 6.70 cps, representing a 3.1% increase.
Further information can be found within the 2022 Annual Report and results presentation at
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