Is the KiwiSaver carnage as bad as it looks?
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Is the KiwiSaver carnage as bad as it looks?

In today's podcast, Frances discusses the sea of red in many people's KiwiSaver accounts, and how to work out if yours is as bad as it looks.

Frances Cook 07 Jun 2022
Money Answers: How much should you be earning by age?

Frances Cook: Money Answers: How much should you be earning by age?

Your 20s are for learning, then the 30s and 40s are for earning, says Frances Cook.

Frances Cook 06 Jun 2022
The crypto reckoning will be worse than financial

The crypto reckoning will be worse than financial

Crypto investing is currently done on the “greater fool” theory – that you buy it, hold it for a while, hope someone who’s even more enthusiastic than you comes along and buys it off you for more than you paid.

Frances Cook 01 Jun 2022
Will seeing a psychologist nix my home loan?
Finance Free

Will seeing a psychologist nix my home loan?

Can healthcare spending be a red flag when you're applying for a mortgage?

Frances Cook 30 May 2022