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More kiwi wealth tied up in small businesses than previously thought, English says

More kiwi wealth tied up in small businesses than previously thought, English says

By Paul McBeth April 11 (BusinessDesk) - New Zealanders have more of their savings tied up in small business ventures and less in the perennial favourite housing than previously thought, according to Finance Minister Bill English. The minister has tasked the Reserve Bank and t...

11 Apr 2013
While you were sleeping Record dance goes on

While you were sleeping Record dance goes on

By Margreet Dietz April 12 (BusinessDesk) - Wall Street advanced, pushing the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index to record highs, after a better than-expected report on US jobless claims. There was a sigh of relief after Labor Department data showe...

11 Apr 2013
Bathurst hopes to be mining by year end

Bathurst hopes to be mining by year end

By Pattrick Smellie April 11 (BusinessDesk) - Bathurst Resources hopes to be mining coal off the Denniston Plateau, inland from Westport, by the end of this year, as long as environmental groups don't appeal an Environment Court ruling upholding the company's resource consents....

11 Apr 2013