Establishment of a Fixed Trading Plan by Chair, Bevan Walsh

Mon, May 30 2022 11:57 am

30 May 2022

Third Age Health Services Limited (NZX: TAH) advises that Chair, Bevan Walsh has established a Fixed Trading Plan (Plan) for the sale of ordinary shares in accordance with section 260 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and has entered into a Deed with TAH that governs this Plan. The Plan provides for sales to occur from 1 July 2022 and ends on 30 May 2023 (the Term).

The Plan will be executed by a broker appointed by Bevan Walsh. Consistent with a deed that he has executed in favour of Third Age Health, he has no ability to influence share trading decisions under the Plan and no ability to withdraw from the Plan before the end of the Term.

Under the terms of the Plan Bevan will sell up to 10,000 shares per month, with a pre-agreed minimum price in place. The allocation of 10,000 shares per month for sale may only be sold over 10 consecutive business days per month, and with no carry-over into the following month for any reason.

Bevan says, “The share sales I initiate at this time are for personal liquidity reasons. I support the company’s board, management, and carefully considered strategy, and continue to look forward to the company growing value per share, and to growth in its future total return to shareholders. With this in mind I plan on remaining a remain a significant shareholder for the foreseeable future.”

Authorised for issue by John Fernandes, Audit Committee Chair

Announcement PDF

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