Infratil Chair, Alison Gerry, today announced the appointment of Andrew Clark to the Infratil Board.
“Andrew is an experienced strategist and transformation executive with over 30 years of diverse management consulting experience. During this time he held a number of senior roles within the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). He served as country head in Indonesia and New Zealand, and from 2014 to 2017 was the CEO of BCG’s Australia and New Zealand business.”
“Prior to BCG, Andrew worked as a process engineer in the UK and Australia with Gillette, Rio Tinto and Queensland Nickel and has an MBA from the Cranfield School of Management and Bachelor degrees from the University of Auckland in chemical engineering (first class) and science (chemistry major).”
Andrew’s appointment is effective from today. Consistent with the constitution, Andrew will be required to retire and seek election at the 2022 annual meeting.
Infratil considers that Andrew is an independent director.
Any enquiries should be directed to:
Investor Relations – Mark Flesher - [email protected]
Pacific Edge is on a trading halt until Monday.
The downgrade comes ahead of Jan 26, when Briscoe's financial year ends.
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed down 0.76% or 99.37 points to 12,944.
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