Genesis Energy to redeem GNE040 Green Capital Bonds

Wed, Jun 01 2022 12:54 pm

Genesis Energy to redeem GNE040 Green Capital Bonds

Genesis Energy Limited (Genesis) announces that it is exercising its option to fully redeem its NZ$225,000,000 of unsecured, subordinated, green capital bonds which are quoted on the NZX Debt Market under the ticker GNE040 (GNE040 Bonds). The redemption will occur on the First Reset Date, being 9 June 2022.

Trading in the GNE040 Bonds has been suspended since market close on Thursday, 26 May 2022. Holders of the GNE040 Bonds will be entitled to receive the principal amount (NZ$1.00) of each GNE040 Bond held, together with accrued but unpaid interest up to the First Reset Date.

Genesis will communicate with the holders of the GNE040 Bonds to notify them of this decision – a template letter is attached to this announcement.

For Capital Bond enquiries, please contact:

Dan Dillane
Group Treasurer
M: 021 501235


Announcement PDF

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