Capital Return to Shareholders Implemented

Tue, Nov 22 2022 11:26 am

22 November 2022

Capital Return to Shareholders Implemented

Sky Network Television Limited (Sky) confirms it has implemented its capital return of approximately NZ$70 million to its shareholders.

As part of the capital return, 1 ordinary share for every 6 ordinary shares held by shareholders on 21 November 2022 has been cancelled, with fractions rounded up or down to the nearest whole share (with 0.5 rounded up). The total number of shares on issue following the capital return is 145,573,191.

Payments to shareholders will be processed on 29 November 2022 in accordance with the terms of the capital return.


Authorised by: James Bishop, Company Secretary

For further information, please contact:
James Bishop
Company Secretary
Sky Network Television Limited
[email protected]

Investors can also submit queries to: [email protected]

Announcement PDF

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