Strong Half Year Results with Ongoing Operating Improvement

Tue, May 28 2024 08:30 am

Market Information
NZX Limited
Level 1, NZX Centre
11 Cable Street

Company Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Exchange Centre
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Tower Limited
Half Year 2024 Results for Announcement to Market

In accordance with NZX Listing Rule 3.5.1 we enclose the following for release to the market in relation to Tower Limited’s (NZX/ASX: TWR) Half Year 2024 Year Results:

1 Media Release
2 Results Announcement
3 Interim Financial Statements (including Independent Auditor’s Review Report)
4 Results Announcement Presentation
5 Results Announcement Call Script
6. NZX Distribution Notice

Tower’s Chairman, Michael Stiassny, Chief Executive Officer, Blair Turnbull, and Chief Financial Officer, Paul Johnston, will discuss the half year results at 10:00am New Zealand time today.
Tower’s Board confirms for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 1.15.3 that Tower continues to comply with the NZX Main Board Listing Rules.


This announcement has been authorised by:

Blair Turnbull
Chief Executive Officer
Tower Limited

For media enquiries, please contact in the first instance:
Emily Davies
Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
+64 21 815 149
[email protected]

For investor queries, please contact in the first instance:
James Silcock
Head of Strategy, Planning and Investor Relations
+64 22 395 9327
[email protected]

Announcement PDF

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