Notification of Allotment of Securities

Fri, Sep 20 2024 08:52 am

Section 1: Issuer information

Name of issuer: Heartland Group Holdings Limited
NZX ticker code: HGH
Class of financial product: Ordinary shares
ISIN (If unknown, check on NZX website): NZHGHE0007S9
Currency: NZD

Section 2: Capital change details

Number issued/acquired/redeemed: 6,857,950
Nominal value (if any): N/A
Issue/acquisition/redemption price per security: $1.04132332
Nature of the payment (for example, cash or other consideration):
Consideration satisfied pursuant to the Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Amount paid up (if not in full): Fully paid ordinary shares
Percentage of total class of Financial Products issued/acquired/redeemed/ (calculated on the number of Financial Products of the Class, excluding any Treasury Stock, in existence): 0.74% of the total number of fully paid ordinary shares prior to this issue.
For an issue of Convertible Financial Products or Options, the principal terms of Conversion (for example the Conversion price and Conversion date and the ranking of the Financial Product in relation to other Classes of Financial Product) or the Option (for example, the exercise price and exercise date): N/A
Reason for issue/acquisition/redemption and specific authority for issue/acquisition/redemption/ (the reason for change must be identified here): Issue of ordinary shares to those shareholders that have elected to participate in the HGH Dividend Reinvestment Plan, approved by directors' resolutions.
Total number of Financial Products of the Class after the
issue/acquisition/redemption/Conversion (excluding Treasury Stock) and the total number of Financial Products of the Class held as Treasury Stock after the issue/acquisition/redemption: 937,419,279 ordinary shares (excluding Treasury Stock): 459,070 Treasury Stock.
In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares are to be held as treasury stock: N/A
Specific authority for the issue, acquisition, or redemption, including a reference to the rule pursuant to which the issue, acquisition, or redemption is made: Directors' resolution. Issue of Ordinary Shares under Listing Rule 4.8.1
Terms or details of the issue, acquisition, or redemption (for example: restrictions, escrow arrangements): Pursuant to the terms of the HGH Dividend Reinvestment Plan Offer Document dated 10 December 2018
Date of issue/acquisition/redemption: 20/09/2024

Section 3: Authority for this announcement and contact person

Name of person authorised to make this announcement: Andrew Dixson, Chief Financial Officer

Contact person for this announcement: Nicola Foley, Group Head of Communications
Contact phone number: 027 345 6809
Contact email address: [email protected]

Announcement PDF

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