Pursuant to Rule 3.13.2 of the Main Board Listing Rule, Booster Investment Management Limited, in its capacity as manager of the Private Land and Property Fund (‘Fund’ or NZX:PLP), confirms it has redeemed 306,427 ordinary units in the Fund at $1.3513 per unit effective 2 December 2024 (the number of units allotted is confirmed 2 business days later on completion of the unit pricing process).
This movement relates to the issuance and redemption of units directly to investors who apply direct to the Fund as a continuous issuer.
For further information regarding the Private Land and Property Fund visit https://www.booster.co.nz/booster-investments/private-land-and-property-fund
About Booster
Booster Investment Management Limited (Booster) is the manager and issuer of the Fund, and part of the Booster Group which has been helping New Zealanders save since 1998. The group currently administers superannuation and investment funds of over $7 billion on behalf of more than 200,000 New Zealanders.
PLP is a managed investment fund that invests in land and property-based investments by investing in units in Booster’s Private Land and Property Portfolio. PLP only holds these units.
For more information, including a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and the latest net asset value per unit, please visit www.booster.co.nz
The money will fund acquisitions and general corporate and working capital purposes.
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