
Opinion and analysis from Pattrick Smellie, Peter Griffin, David Chaplin and Cameron Bagrie and a top-level group of New Zealand experts, including the BusinessDesk editorial team.
DAVID COHEN: Foundering media pin hopes, mastheads on Faafoi’s second try

David Cohen: DAVID COHEN: Foundering media pin hopes, mastheads on Faafoi’s second try

The government has listened to the media talking and says it is dismayed. The media have now listened to the government’s response and probably aren’t feeling too chipper themselves. Indeed, that wailing you hear breaking the night air this weekend may not be police sirens but...

David Cohen 25 Apr 2020
BRIAN GAYNOR: Why oil prices fell below zero

Brian Gaynor: BRIAN GAYNOR: Why oil prices fell below zero

Negative oil prices early this week attracted substantial media commentary. How could this happen, and does it tell us anything about the global economy at present?

Brian Gaynor 24 Apr 2020
PETER GRIFFIN: Time to join Australia’s bubble on tech regulation
Law & Regulation

Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: Time to join Australia’s bubble on tech regulation

As someone who lost a chunk of my income when the NZ Listener shut down three weeks ago, news of the government’s $50 million support package for the media is bittersweet.

Peter Griffin 23 Apr 2020
PATTRICK SMELLIE: So much for 'family values' as Swedes flee Metlifecare deal
Listed Companies

Pattrick Smellie: PATTRICK SMELLIE: So much for 'family values' as Swedes flee Metlifecare deal

The trouble with bold, high-minded vision statements in the corporate world is they can be so damn difficult to live up to.

Pattrick Smellie 22 Apr 2020