
Opinion and analysis from Pattrick Smellie, Peter Griffin, David Chaplin and Cameron Bagrie and a top-level group of New Zealand experts, including the BusinessDesk editorial team.
BRIAN GAYNOR: Sports team ownership – Listing or alternative models?

Brian Gaynor: BRIAN GAYNOR: Sports team ownership – Listing or alternative models?

NZ Rugby, particularly the All Blacks, should look at the Green Bay Packers' ownership model to strengthen its financial positionBrisbane Broncos, the only stock exchange-listed Australasian sports team, is being put through the wringer by the Australian media.The team is in...

Brian Gaynor 09 Jul 2020
JENNY RUTH: Metlifecare seems to think a formal move to oust the chair isn't material

Jenny Ruth: JENNY RUTH: Metlifecare seems to think a formal move to oust the chair isn't material

Metlifecare apparently doesn't think a letter from a 5.4 percent shareholder requisitioning a meeting to vote on unseating chair Kim Ellis is a material matter that it needed to disclose to the NZX. That requisition from Hong Kong-based Maso Capital Partners was sent on Friday...

Jenny Ruth 09 Jul 2020
PETER GRIFFIN: US-China rivalry is playing havoc with the tech world

Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: US-China rivalry is playing havoc with the tech world

A year ago this week I was in Beijing visiting tech companies and talking to scientists and entrepreneurs about the advances the country is making on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence research. Against the backdrop of US president Donald Trump’s escalating trade war wit...

Peter Griffin 08 Jul 2020
DAVID CHAPLIN: On custody: how Barry Kloogh ponzied off-platform
Finance Free

David Chaplin: DAVID CHAPLIN: On custody: how Barry Kloogh ponzied off-platform

The clue is in the custody.Among that $15 million worth of bad news handed down last week by the NZ Insolvency and Trustee Service to investors who trusted Dunedin financial adviser, Barry Kloogh, there is, if you dig deep enough, one glimmer of optimism. According to the second...

David Chaplin 08 Jul 2020