Who runs NZ?
Samantha Barrass
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Samantha Barrass

Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko

Chief executive

  • Appointed November 2021.
  • Previously chief executive of Business Banking Resolution Services in the UK.
  • Earlier a member of PwC UK’s public interest body.
  • Former chief executive of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.
  • Executive director of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
  • An economist and supervisor with the Financial Services Authority in London from 1995.
  • MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics.
  • Economist with the Reserve Bank of NZ from 1988.
  • Holds a BCom in Economics from Canterbury University and a BCA from Victoria University.


London Investment Banking Association
Jan 2004 - Dec 2009
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (the Law Society)
Executive Director
Nov 2009 - Dec 2014
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
Chief Executive Officer
Feb 2014 - Sep 2019
Price Waterhouse Coopers (UK)
Independent Non-Executive Director
Jul 2018 - Dec 2019
Business Banking Resolution Service
Chief Executive Officer at the Business Banking Resolution Service
Nov 2019 - Apr 2021

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