Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in the business world, particularly with the recent launch of ChatGPT.

Many business owners and professionals in business-to-business (B2B) sales are either concerned about the potential for AI to replace their jobs or excited by the thought that it might enhance them. 

It is true that AI has the capability to automate certain aspects of sales, but it is unlikely that it will fully replace the professionals. 

At its core, B2B sales is about relationships and building trust with clients, a crucial human touch that cannot be replaced. 

AI cannot, for example, initiate and develop the personal connection that is necessary for closing deals.

Instead of fearing AI, sales professionals should view it as a tool to enhance their productivity, allowing them more time to spend building human-to-human relationships.

Here are a few ways you can use AI today to boost your sales engine:

Personalisation This is one of the main benefits of AI in B2B sales. AI can quickly and efficiently analyse customer data and give sales representatives insights into the specific needs and preferences of each client. This lets sales reps tailor their approach and offer better solutions that are more likely to meet a customer's needs.  

Generating leads AI can analyse customer behaviour and data to spot potential leads based on trigger events that are more likely to convert customers. Sales reps can then focus their efforts on the most promising leads and avoid wasting time on leads that are unlikely to convert. As well, AI can be used to spot potential leads that are not yet in the sales funnel, expanding the customer base.

Forecasting AI can improve sales forecasting by analysing sales data and predicting future trends. Sales teams can make more accurate sales forecasts so they can adjust their strategies. 

Customer support AI can help in customer service by providing faster and more accurate support, such as programmed chatbots that can answer common customer questions, meaning your teams can spend their time on higher-value conversations rather than basic support. 

Insights AI can analyse sales data and give insights on the effectiveness of sales strategies and tactics. By identifying patterns in customer behaviour and preferences, companies can develop targeted marketing and sales campaigns.

Improvement AI can be used to generate or review content to improve it. From a sales rep's perspective, there are many tools that can help them write better emails to connect with their customers such as Lavendar.AI or ChatGPT.

The impact of AI on B2B selling will keep growing. However, there may be challenges. There's a risk that companies may become too reliant on AI and neglect the importance of human interaction in the sales process, hurting their sales. 

It will be important to strike a balance between using the benefits of AI while maintaining a human touch.

As AI becomes more sophisticated, it will be able to analyse large amounts of data and give even more accurate insights. 

AI will never fully replace the business-to-business sales profession, but it will certainly change the way selling is done.