Business of Government: and so it begins …

Business of Government: and so it begins …
Some Māori protested the new government as Parliament opened on Tuesday. (Image: NZME)
Jem Traylen
Now comes the hard partA piece of wisdom attributed to the great Mongolian ruler Činggis Khan says that conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard.I alluded to this in yesterday’s story Mayor v the minister – Wellington’s Golden Mile will be an early test for both.Both mayor Tory Whanau and transport and local government minister Simeon Brown have been elected with a clear mandate from the people for the platforms on which they ran.The trouble for these modern-day rulers is that the...

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Independent costings needed for tough political decisions

Independent costings needed for tough political decisions

The time is now for an Independent Fiscal Institution.

Three Waters replacement opens fresh wounds

Three Waters replacement opens fresh wounds

There are fears the new regime will create 'orphan' councils.

Govt steers slow-ahead course on resuming live-animal shipments

Govt steers slow-ahead course on resuming live-animal shipments

Exports could resume next year with stronger animal welfare standards.

Staff reporters 27 Jun 2024
Govt names five experts to review biogenic methane targets

Govt names five experts to review biogenic methane targets

Former climate change commissioner Nicola Shadbolt will chair the independent panel.

Staff reporters 27 Jun 2024