Govt, banks kick in $10.5m ahead of prospective Ruapehu sale

Govt, banks kick in $10.5m ahead of prospective Ruapehu sale
North Island ski fields should be open this winter. (Image: RAL)
Brent Melville
New private operators have been shoulder tapped by the government to run Mt Ruapehu’s Tūroa and Whakapapa ski fields.The previous operator, not-for-profit operator Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL), moved into voluntary administration in October, owing about $45 million to the government, ANZ bank and bondholders in RAL’s Sky Waka gondola.The company's failure was hastened by the covid lockdowns and poor snow conditions on the back of La Niña weather conditions over the past few years.Since October, the Ministry of Business, Inn...

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