Business of Government, caretaker edition, starring Winston Peters, and more …

Business of Government, caretaker edition, starring Winston Peters, and more …
After the policy bonfire comes the hatchet man. (Image: Depositphotos)
Jem Traylen
Winston won’t be dulling the edge of any ‘razor gang’Welcome to the caretaker edition of the Business of Government, where life goes on while we all wait to find out what concessions New Zealand First can wheedle out of National.The big difference from the past, of course, is that we’re not waiting to find out whether he’s going with Labour or National, having thrown his kingmaker’s sword in with National or, more precisely, away from Labour from the outset.However, we are waiting for confirmation of whether...

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The Great Expectations on Kāinga Ora and KiwiRail

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Jones heads to Oz to woo mining investors

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Do quarterly reports deliver? Playing policy snooker, and more...

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Te Pūkenga plans leak before consultation

Te Pūkenga plans leak before consultation

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