Business of Government: Greens turn back the clock, wellbeing, open govt and more...

Business of Government: Greens turn back the clock, wellbeing, open govt and more...
Some good things came out of the 80s, but what about the Greens' manifesto? (Image: Universal)
Jem Traylen
Back to the future for the Greens?This week we start looking at what parties are promising to do to the public service if they’re elected.We start with the Greens, who are seeking to turn the clock back at least a little on the state sector reforms of the 1980s. Once upon a time, all public servants were employed by the State Services Commission until, in 1988, they became employed by the head of their individual agencies.Now the Greens want to bring back standardised career progression, pay and training across the public sector, as...

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