The Wall Street Journal

Let’s ‘double-click’ on this cringeworthy buzzword

Let’s ‘double-click’ on this cringeworthy buzzword
Tech-inflected buzzwords are especially likely to gain traction because they sound cutting-edge. (Image: Cam Pollack/WSJ, iStock)
The Wall Street Journal
By Te-Ping Chen and Nicholas MillerRuben Roy isn’t a guy who tends to beat himself up, but he’s still chagrined about what he said on an earnings call last month.A managing director at Stifel Financial, Roy dialled in to hear the chief executive of a healthcare company discuss its latest results. During the Q&A, Roy asked the speaker to elaborate on his remarks about investment opportunities. “I wanted to double-click a bit on some of the commentary you had,” Roy said, instantly cringing. One of the fastest...

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