Women hit hardest in retail, hospitality job losses

Women hit hardest in retail, hospitality job losses
Andy Fyers
As BusinessDesk reported on Wednesday, the headline unemployment figures for the June quarter need to be digested with a large grain of salt.Unemployment of 4 percent masks a whole range of things, including a shrinking labour force during lockdown. To be counted as unemployed you have to be actively looking for work and it's quite hard to actively look for work when most businesses are closed or working from home. That artificially shrank the number of people technically unemployed, during the lockdown period. In normal times, measuri...

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Jobs for autistic workers growing beyond tech sector

Firms recruiting people with atypical brains and redesigning work to be more inclusive.

They chose to take a pay cut – and say they’re happier

They chose to take a pay cut – and say they’re happier

Opting for a lower-paid job can earn you a raise – in free time and work-life balance.

PM heads to Asean-Australia special summit in Melbourne
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PM heads to Asean-Australia special summit in Melbourne

Prime minister Christopher Luxon is off to Melbourne on Tuesday to meet his Southeast Asian counterparts.He’ll also meet key trans-Tasman business leaders on his two-day trip across the Ditch.Luxon’s meetings with several Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) leaders wil...

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Every firm needs a Marie Kondo to prevent bureaucratic creep

Every firm needs a Marie Kondo to prevent bureaucratic creep

Time to target long-winded reports, time-sucking meetings and value-destroying managers.

Bloomberg 17 Feb 2024