Arvida Group

Arvida Group is a developer, owner and operator of retirement villages and aged-care facilities across New Zealand. The company has 32 sites located throughout the country servicing over 4,500 residents.

Arvida currently employs over 2,500 people with Bill MacDonald leading the group as CEO since 2014.

Company Details

Registered Office: PO Box 90217, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
Postal Address: Level 15 Aon Centre, 29 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010
Telephone: +64 9 972 1180
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 18/12/2014
Balance Date: 31 March
AGM: 21/07/2023

Directors and Executives

Michael Ambrose
Non-Executive Director
Anthony Beverley
Independent Chairman
Briar Malpas
Company Secretary
Jeremy Nicoll
Chief Executive Officer
Susan Paterson
Independent Director
Susan Peterson
Independent Director
Paul Ridley-Smith
Independent Director
Mark Wells
Chief Financial Officer


Title Date Type
Amended - Annual Report 2024 Tue, Jul 02 2024 05:17 pm ANNREP
Arvida Group Limited - Annual Report 2024 Thu, Jun 27 2024 02:18 pm ANNREP
Investor Presentation Rapid Insights Conference Wed, Jun 26 2024 09:30 am GENERAL
Annual Meeting and Director Nomination Closing Date Mon, Jun 24 2024 01:47 pm MEETING
Appointment to Executive Team Tue, May 28 2024 08:40 am GENERAL
Arvida Group Limited FY24 Profit Results Tue, May 28 2024 08:31 am FLLYR
Notice of Annual Result Announcement Thu, May 09 2024 08:49 am GENERAL
Settlement of Strathallan Sale Wed, May 01 2024 08:30 am GENERAL
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited Mon, Apr 15 2024 02:55 pm SHINTR
SPH Notice (Amended) - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Fri, Apr 12 2024 05:17 pm SHINTR

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
06/12/23 Milford Asset Management Limited 38,489,075 6.30 5.29
10/11/23 Forsyth Barr Investment Management 80,639,690 12.39 11.08
07/11/23 Accident Compensation Corporation 45,079,435 5.02 6.19
12/08/21 Milford Funds Limited 26,805,441 5.01 4.94
14/02/18 Generate Investment Management Limi 20,900,123 - 5.05
29/07/16 Artemis Investment Management LLP 5,381,327 - -

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
22/12/23 Mark David Wells 157,716 - - -
22/12/23 Anthony Montgomery Beve 451,370 - - -
22/12/23 Paul Morton Ridley-Smit 414,276 - - -
29/06/23 Susan Paterson 241,717 - - -
29/06/23 Susan Ruth Peterson 21,718 - - -
29/11/22 Michael George Ambrose 1,974,457 - - -
08/07/22 Jeremy Mark Nicoll 1,106,294 - - -
23/11/21 Michael Ambrose 1,966,457 - - -
23/11/21 Peter David Wilson 554,940 - - -
06/07/21 William Adam McDonald 1,561,249 - - -
06/08/18 Peter Wilson 453,398 - - -
13/10/17 Anthony Beverley 319,011 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 79.6 9.9 3.0 337.3 90.7 99.7
high 79.6 9.9 3.0 337.3 90.7 99.7
low 79.6 9.9 3.0 337.3 90.7 99.7
sample 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 21/12/2023

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