
Promisia Healthcare Limited Ordinary Shares

Company Details

Registered Office: c/- Duncan Cotterill, Level 2, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011 New Zealand
Postal Address: c/- Duncan Cotterill, Level 2, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011 New Zealand
Telephone: 0212525778
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 01/01/1983
Balance Date: 31 March
AGM: 19/08/2022

Directors and Executives

Stuart Bilbrough
Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Brankin
Executive Director
Helen Down
Independent Director
Craig Percy
Independent Director


Title Date Type
Corporate Action Notice (amended) Wed, Jul 03 2024 10:00 am OFFER
Investor Presentation and Capital Raise announcement Tue, Jul 02 2024 05:12 pm OFFER
Promisia Healthcare Limited 2024 Annual Report Wed, Jun 26 2024 09:11 am ANNREP
Update on Cromwell acquisitions Tue, Jun 25 2024 09:40 am TRANSACT
Director Nomination Closing Date Mon, Jun 24 2024 05:13 pm MEETING
Full Year Results to March 2024 Wed, May 29 2024 09:44 am FLLYR
Increase in Promisia Facility Valuations for FY24 Mon, May 13 2024 05:19 pm MKTUPDTE
Promisia to expand network with Cromwell acquisitions Wed, Apr 24 2024 05:10 pm TRANSACT
Capital Change Notices Wed, Apr 10 2024 09:26 am SECISSUE
PHL secures extended bank facilities and improved terms Thu, Mar 14 2024 10:29 am MKTUPDTE

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
01/06/23 Jillian Mary O’Brien 1,089,329,066 5.18 5.12
01/12/22 Andrew Mitchell 1,022,102,561 7.03 4.80
12/10/21 TE WHANGANUI A TARA LIMITED 1,497,702,561 - 7.00
31/03/21 Brankin Family Interest Trust 11,237,165,711 56.29 53.45
03/11/20 Donald Mackintosh 1,002,750,000 - 6.21
30/10/20 The Wellington Company Limited 1,700,000,000 - 10.53
04/11/19 Thomas David Brankin 1,103,804,210 44.89 51.30
14/01/19 Garrick Robert Wells, Wells Investm 39,027,368 12.76 2.05
11/01/19 Charles Daily, Daily Global Enterpr 15,109,922 5.25 0.79
03/01/19 Eoin Malcolm Miller Johnson and ass 93,389,040 8.99 4.91
07/01/16 Aratas Investment Trust 40,518,473 8.45 8.99

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
13/05/22 Stuart Bilbrough 500,000 - - -
31/03/21 Maurice Duncan Priest 60,819,648 - - -
25/03/21 Stephen Underwood 115,492,227 - - -
29/01/18 Helen Down 500,000 - - -
29/01/18 Rene de Wit 2,000,000 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 07/03/2023

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