Wgtn Airport in talks with banks, may seek equity support

Wgtn Airport in talks with banks, may seek equity support

Wellington International Airport is in discussions with its banks on funding for the business and may seek equity support from owners Infratil and Wellington City Council. The airport, operating on only about 5 percent of its usual domestic capacity, is expecting minimal reven...

Gavin Evans 08 Apr 2020
Govt to consider levy on log exports to ensure home supply
Primary Sector

Govt to consider levy on log exports to ensure home supply

Forest owners may face restrictions on log export volumes under a package of measures to be considered by senior government ministers next week.Forestry Minister Shane Jones said the options include a levy on log exports to help fund the re-setting of the local industry; regulati...

Gavin Evans 08 Apr 2020
GAVIN EVANS: Seabed mining and the clash of science, law and politics

Gavin Evans: GAVIN EVANS: Seabed mining and the clash of science, law and politics

Almost seven years after the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act came into force, the country’s courts are still trying to work out what the legislation means.The Court of Appeal on Friday had yet another go, sending the seabed mining proposa...

Gavin Evans 08 Apr 2020
Oil ship to stay at Tui field - High Court

Oil ship to stay at Tui field - High Court

BW Offshore has lost its bid to disconnect its floating production and storage vessel from the Tui oil field and clear the area before the onset of winter.Last month, the Environment Court ruled that the prospect of the FPSO Umuroa remaining at Tui over winter, unmanned, potentia...

Gavin Evans 07 Apr 2020