Climate change will force farmers to reshuffle what is grown where

Climate change will force farmers to reshuffle what is grown where

A surprisingly large share of farmland is used for crops that do not maximise nutritional or economic value. 

The Economist 20 Nov 2022
A new type of air terminal opens for flying taxis

A new type of air terminal opens for flying taxis

Urban air travel takes a step closer: say hi to 'vertiports'.

The Economist 20 Nov 2022
The dynamics of distrust at the G20 summit

The dynamics of distrust at the G20 summit

As Joe Biden and Xi Jinping prepare to meet, South-East Asia contemplates with alarm a deterioration in relations between America and China.

The Economist 14 Nov 2022
What to read to understand climate change
The Life

What to read to understand climate change

These books explain why our planet is heating up – and what to do about it.

The Economist 13 Nov 2022