Law & Regulation

Explore the latest legal news by BusinessDesk, covering legal rulings, important court cases, and more.
Ōhau landowners blame lines company for $40m fire losses

Ōhau landowners blame lines company for $40m fire losses

They claim a power-pole fault due to a firm's negligence caused the devastation.

Ian Llewellyn 17 Apr 2024
Grocery code now in full effect, ComCom reminds suppliers

Grocery code now in full effect, ComCom reminds suppliers

The Grocery Supply Code went into effect on March 28.

Staff reporters 16 Apr 2024
ComCom takes One NZ to court

ComCom takes One NZ to court

The commission alleges some breaches are ongoing. 

Rebecca Howard 16 Apr 2024
Coal mine consent restrictions to ease
Primary Sector

Coal mine consent restrictions to ease

Coal mine resource consents will be treated like any extractive mining application.

Pattrick Smellie 16 Apr 2024

Victoria Young
Victoria Young


With a professional career spanning New Zealand, Singapore, and London, Victoria Young has been with BusinessDesk since 2019, initially as a senior reporter before taking on the role of investigations editor in 2022, then editor in 2024. 
She has been instrumental in growing BusinessDesk as this country’s premium business news brand.
She was the 2023 recipient of a Brian Gaynor initiative grant.
Victoria holds law and arts degrees from Victoria University of Wellington. 
You can follow her on Twitter @victoriayoung03 or connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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