Law & Regulation

Explore the latest legal news by BusinessDesk, covering legal rulings, important court cases, and more.
Red tape and levies cut in first phase of major Building Act overhaul

Red tape and levies cut in first phase of major Building Act overhaul

The government plans to cut red tape for prefabricated building processes, introduce minimal building product standards and reduce building levies by 13 percent as part of a major overhaul of building law. Building and Construction Minister Jenny Salesa announced the changes in A...

Victoria Young 11 Oct 2019
OPINION: Memo to Oz-owned banks: resistance on IRB models is futile

OPINION: Memo to Oz-owned banks: resistance on IRB models is futile

The big four Australian-owned banks ought to have realised in February that it was futile to resist the Reserve Bank's intention to severely restrict the competitive advantage they gain from using their own internal models to calculate capital. Perhaps they thought the subject...

Jenny Ruth 10 Oct 2019
FMA cage-rattling sees Westpac pledge to cut KiwiSaver fees

FMA cage-rattling sees Westpac pledge to cut KiwiSaver fees

The Financial Markets Authority is broadening its focus to consider whether KiwiSaver investors are getting value for money but it still believes the cost of managing that money should be cheaper.  In its annual KiwiSaver report, the market watchdog reiterated concerns that ma...

Paul McBeth 10 Oct 2019
OPINION: The elephant in RBNZ's bank capital room

OPINION: The elephant in RBNZ's bank capital room

The most surprising thing about the Reserve Bank's proposed new bank capital rules remains that nobody has attempted to explain why we shouldn't believe the results of the RBNZ's own stress-testing of the major banks. One would think that if RBNZ was planning to force the big...

Jenny Ruth 09 Oct 2019

Victoria Young
Victoria Young


With a professional career spanning New Zealand, Singapore, and London, Victoria Young has been with BusinessDesk since 2019, initially as a senior reporter before taking on the role of investigations editor in 2022, then editor in 2024. 
She has been instrumental in growing BusinessDesk as this country’s premium business news brand.
She was the 2023 recipient of a Brian Gaynor initiative grant.
Victoria holds law and arts degrees from Victoria University of Wellington. 
You can follow her on Twitter @victoriayoung03 or connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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