Law & Regulation

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Cross-party support emerging for fast-tracked zero carbon law today
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Cross-party support emerging for fast-tracked zero carbon law today

Clear signals are emerging that the Zero Carbon Bill will pass its third reading in Parliament this afternoon with the support of the National Party after a crunch party caucus meeting last night.The bill has been years in the making, but looks set to pass into law at record spee...

Pattrick Smellie 07 Nov 2019
RBNZ's warning to general insurers

RBNZ's warning to general insurers

The governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has warned the wider insurance industry that regulators will be back for them following a damning report into the conduct of life insurers. Speaking at an industry event, Adrian Orr urged general insurers to have a look at themselve...

Victoria Young 05 Nov 2019
Death knell for power companies' customer 'win-back' tactics

Death knell for power companies' customer 'win-back' tactics

Proposed new regulations will effectively kill off electricity companies' practice of wooing back departing customers with generous 'win-back' offers. The Electricity Authority is consulting on a proposed 180-day ban on "retailer-initiated saves and win-backs" after a customer...

Pattrick Smellie 05 Nov 2019
Liquidator clawbacks to be slashed for third-party suppliers

Liquidator clawbacks to be slashed for third-party suppliers

Liquidators' clawback powers will be slashed from two years to six months for payments made to third-party suppliers of failed companies under insolvency law reforms announced by Commerce Minister Kris Faafoi.At present, any supplier of goods or services to a company that turns o...

Pattrick Smellie 05 Nov 2019

Victoria Young
Victoria Young


With a professional career spanning New Zealand, Singapore, and London, Victoria Young has been with BusinessDesk since 2019, initially as a senior reporter before taking on the role of investigations editor in 2022, then editor in 2024. 
She has been instrumental in growing BusinessDesk as this country’s premium business news brand.
She was the 2023 recipient of a Brian Gaynor initiative grant.
Victoria holds law and arts degrees from Victoria University of Wellington. 
You can follow her on Twitter @victoriayoung03 or connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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