News in Brief

News in Brief
New low for Allbirds shares

New low for Allbirds shares

This follows the footwear company reporting red ink and forecasting future challenges.

Staff reporters 09 Nov 2023
Corporate tax lifts govt books
Finance Free

Corporate tax lifts govt books

Treasury say the volatile market is to blame.

GEO issues higher earnings guidance as trading resumes

GEO issues higher earnings guidance as trading resumes

Following a two-day trading halt, software as a service provider GEO has issued stronger earnings guidance and said achieving breakeven could come in early 2024.Its board also said initial interest received has justified launching a formal process to assess buyer interest in the...

Staff reporters 09 Nov 2023
Nic Watt’s Inca Newmarket owes creditors $1.1m
Law & Regulation

Nic Watt’s Inca Newmarket owes creditors $1.1m

Nic Watt’s much-praised rooftop Newmarket restaurant owes creditors $1.1 million, including $815,000 to unsecured creditors and $200,000 to the Inland Revenue Department, who stand little chance of recovery.Chris McCullagh and Stephen Lawrence of PKF Corporate Recovery today issu...

Staff reporters 09 Nov 2023