
Opinion and analysis from Pattrick Smellie, Peter Griffin, David Chaplin and Cameron Bagrie and a top-level group of New Zealand experts, including the BusinessDesk editorial team.
PATTRICK SMELLIE: NZME threatens govt with Bauer Mark 2
Law & Regulation Free

Pattrick Smellie: PATTRICK SMELLIE: NZME threatens govt with Bauer Mark 2

Today’s move by NZME to try to bully the government into urgently legislating to allow its rejected merger with Stuff may just work. That‘s because NZME and Stuff’s owner, Australian Nine Entertainment, are threatening a far larger, more politically damaging version of the ear...

Pattrick Smellie 11 May 2020
GAVIN EVANS: Covid-19 and the cost of govt by slogan

Gavin Evans: GAVIN EVANS: Covid-19 and the cost of govt by slogan

The government opted for the “enormous negative effects” on the economy from a level 4 lockdown just three days after being told the country could stay under level 2 controls for up to a month. Events were moving fast in late March, but Cabinet advice dumped by the government...

Gavin Evans 11 May 2020
PATTRICK SMELLIE: 5 things to watch for in the Budget

Pattrick Smellie: PATTRICK SMELLIE: 5 things to watch for in the Budget

Amidst a welter of commentary about how momentous this Thursday’s Budget will be, how about this for a prediction? Prepare to be disappointed.

Pattrick Smellie 11 May 2020
VICTORIA YOUNG: Why the law firms are handing back wage subsidies
Law & Regulation

Victoria Young: VICTORIA YOUNG: Why the law firms are handing back wage subsidies

Major law firms who applied and then reversed decisions on government wage subsidies badly misread the public mood and will be remembered for it.

Victoria Young 10 May 2020