
Opinion and analysis from Pattrick Smellie, Peter Griffin, David Chaplin and Cameron Bagrie and a top-level group of New Zealand experts, including the BusinessDesk editorial team.
GAVIN EVANS: Seabed mining and the clash of science, law and politics

Gavin Evans: GAVIN EVANS: Seabed mining and the clash of science, law and politics

Almost seven years after the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act came into force, the country’s courts are still trying to work out what the legislation means.The Court of Appeal on Friday had yet another go, sending the seabed mining proposa...

Gavin Evans 08 Apr 2020
UNLOCKING NZ: Business leaders on preparing for the end of lockdown

Pattrick Smellie: UNLOCKING NZ: Business leaders on preparing for the end of lockdown

UPDATED SATURDAY NOON - Amid cautious signs that the national lockdown will be able to start lifting at the four week mark, BusinessDesk asks business leaders what needs to happen in the next two weeks to ensure that the economic restart is as smooth as possible:gary taylor.jfif...

Pattrick Smellie 08 Apr 2020
BRIAN GAYNOR: What about an ANZAC tourism bubble?

Brian Gaynor: BRIAN GAYNOR: What about an ANZAC tourism bubble?

Managing the economy out of the lockdown will be a more difficult process than the original lockdown decision.The exit process can be compared with slowly releasing air from a balloon with the released air being the oxygen that feeds the economy.If the air is let out too quickly...

Brian Gaynor 06 Apr 2020
PATTRICK SMELLIE: A critical week for the lockdown

Pattrick Smellie: PATTRICK SMELLIE: A critical week for the lockdown

This will be a critical week for the government and for the covid-19 lockdown.Wednesday will mark the mid-point of the 28-day national confinement and, by then, if the current stable trends in infection rates continue, the clamour for relaxation will be intense.The important tren...

Pattrick Smellie 06 Apr 2020