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Mark Mortiboy
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Mark Mortiboy

New Zealand Defence Force / Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa

Warrant officer of the Defence Force

  • Appointed on 1 July 2018.
  • Previous roles include regimental sergeant major (2nd Logistic Battalion), command sergeant major, training and doctrine command NZ, and land command sergeant major at headquarters of Joint Forces NZ.
  • As warrant officer was company sergeant major, senior instructor and mobility advisor for the Army and NZDF headquarters.
  • Operational service in Sinai, East Timor and Afghanistan.
  • Awarded the NZ Distinguished Service Decoration in 2008.
  • Graduate of the NZ Command and Staff College joint warrant officer advanced course. Holds a Master of science from Portsmouth University (UK) and diplomas in adult education and business management.


New Zealand Defence Force / Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa
Command Sergeant Major, Training & Doctrine Command NZ, Regimental Sergeant Major 2nd Logistics Regiment
Jan 2010 - Sep 2012
New Zealand Defence Force / Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa
Land Command Sergeant Major
Sep 2012 - Feb 2014
New Zealand Defence Force / Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa
Warrant Officer of the NZ Defence Force, Sergeant Major of the Army (NZ)
Feb 2014 - Present
New Zealand Defence Force / Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa
Warrant Officer
Apr 2017 - Present

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