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Is Roaring Kitty the internet’s Warren Buffett?

Is Roaring Kitty the internet’s Warren Buffett?

GameStop’s high valuations might influence the market.

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Irish lessons – Tech's place in NZ's future

Primary exports can only take an economy so far.

Google’s AI-driven search forces marketers to up their game

Peter Griffin: Google’s AI-driven search forces marketers to up their game

Google’s overhaul of its vastly profitable search engine, driven by AI, is well under way.

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Is bitcoin legit now?

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Ben Moore
Ben Moore

Technology editor

Ben stumbled into tech reporting after a short-lived career as a drama teacher. After a year covering the IT channel, he returned to university and earned a masters in communication studies. He worked for CRN Australia, which gave him valuable insight into the Australian tech industry and a renewed appreciation for Aotearoa New Zealand. In early 2022, he spearheaded the launch of CRN into NZ. If you’re keen to connect, you can find him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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