Ian McCrae joins industry hall of fame at NZ Hi-Tech Awards

Ian McCrae joins industry hall of fame at NZ Hi-Tech Awards
Ian McCrae (pictured with Penny Hoogerwerf, the chief legal officer at Tait Communications) joined the ranks of the Flying Kiwis. (Image: NZ Hi-Tech Awards)
Ben Moore
Orion Health founder Ian McCrae has entered NZ Tech’s Hall of Fame, winning the prestigious ‘Flying Kiwi’ award at the 2022 NZ Hi-Tech Awards, as he prepares to hand over the reins of the company he founded 30 years ago.The award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand’s technology industry and includes industry stalwarts such as Datacom founder Paul Hargreaves, TradeMe founder Sam Morgan, and entrepreneur-turned-investor Claudia Batten.The awards were held at the TSB Aren...

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