1. What city is the hometown of a basketball team called the Bulls and inspired the name of a rock band?
  2. What country has the world’s largest Jewish population?
  3. What Pacific Island country, once jointly administered by New Zealand, Australia and Britain, suffered severe environmental damage from phosphate mining?
  4. What alcoholic beverage is used to make the drink known as sangria?
  5. What is a termagant: a bad-tempered woman, a species of seabird or a temporary employee?
  6. What type of creature is Beatrix Potter’s Mrs Tiggy-Winkle?
  7. Offa’s Dyke is an ancient excavation that separated which two countries: France and Switzerland, Denmark and Germany or England and Wales?
  8. Who played the former hitman John Wick in a series of action movies?
  9. The psychedelic drug psilocybin is obtained from what?
  10. What section of the US Constitution protects individuals against incriminating themselves?

Please scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Chicago; 2. The US; 3. Nauru; 4. Red wine; 5. A bad-tempered woman; 6. A hedgehog; 7. England and Wales; 8. Keanu Reeves; 9. Mushrooms; 10. The Fifth Amendment.