- What former politician was recently appointed to the newly created position of Ambassador for Gender Equality in the Pacific?
- Who sang that sorry seems to be the hardest word?
- Which of the following countries is not a member of Nato: Turkey, Finland, Canada or Iceland?
- What potentially fatal disease used to be known as lockjaw?
- What word can mean either an instruction or a community of priests or nuns?
- What title role did British actor Tom Hardy take over in 2015 after three previous movies starring Mel Gibson?
- Who painted a famous work entitled Guernica?
- What would you do at Mt Lyford, Porters, Temple Basin and Tukino?
- Their first names were Bob and Carl and they became famous for their role in the Watergate affair. What were their surnames?
- According to an old saying, what is the better part of valour?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Louisa Wall; 2. Elton John; 3. Finland; 4. Tetanus; 5. Order; 6. Mad Max; 7. Pablo Picasso; 8. Ski; 9. Woodward and Bernstein (Washington Post journalists); 10 Discretion.