1. The song Gaudeamus Igitur (“So let us rejoice”) is traditionally sung in what institutions?
  2. The Phantom of the Opera was set in what city?
  3. Which country is the world’s largest producer of cork: Italy, Morocco or Portugal?
  4. What is the meaning of the word elan: flair, ambition or snobbishness?
  5. The Jillaroos play what sport?
  6. What father-and-daughter duo sang on a 1991 hit record released 26 years after the father’s death?
  7. Arch-top, Spanish and steel are types of what?
  8. His first names were Leslie Joseph and he founded a real estate firm that spans the Tasman. What was his surname?
  9. In farming parlance, what is meant by “grazing the long acre”?
  10. Complete the following first line from a famous poem: “Do not go gentle into …”

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ANSWERS: 1. Universities; 2. Paris; 3. Portugal; 4. Flair; 5. Rugby league; 6. Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole (the song was Unforgettable); 7. Guitar; 8. Hooker; 9. Allowing stock to graze by the roadside; 10. That good night.