The Wall Street Journal

American workers have quit quitting – for now

American workers have quit quitting – for now
A poll has found 35% of American adults plan to look for another job and walk away from their present one, down from 49% a year ago. (Image: Matt Genovese for The Wall Street Journal)
The Wall Street Journal
By Ray A. Smith Americans aren’t as restless in their jobs as they were a couple of years ago.Numerous surveys show that fewer US adults are currently seeking to leave their roles, compared with the job-switching frenzy of the pandemic years. Other data suggests job satisfaction is rising, and in interviews, formerly job-hopping workers say they’re content with the balance they’ve struck in the positions they have. Those who are tempted to make a jump face a tightening job market and shrinking pay premium for sw...

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The jiggle is up: bosses bust staff who fake computer activity

The jiggle is up: bosses bust staff who fake computer activity

Productivity-tracking tools can detect when remote workers are pretending they’re busy.

Jobs for autistic workers growing beyond tech sector

Jobs for autistic workers growing beyond tech sector

Firms recruiting people with atypical brains and redesigning work to be more inclusive.

They chose to take a pay cut – and say they’re happier

They chose to take a pay cut – and say they’re happier

Opting for a lower-paid job can earn you a raise – in free time and work-life balance.

PM heads to Asean-Australia special summit in Melbourne
News in Brief

PM heads to Asean-Australia special summit in Melbourne

Prime minister Christopher Luxon is off to Melbourne on Tuesday to meet his Southeast Asian counterparts.He’ll also meet key trans-Tasman business leaders on his two-day trip across the Ditch.Luxon’s meetings with several Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) leaders wil...

Staff reporters 04 Mar 2024