The Wall Street Journal

Is ‘rizz’ the secret to getting ahead at work?

Is ‘rizz’ the secret to getting ahead at work?
For some people, charisma is something they have to work at developing. (Image: Depositphotos)
The Wall Street Journal
By Rachel FeintzeigGreat leaders have it. Gen Z has a new word for it. Can the rest of us learn it?Charisma – or rizz, as current teenage slang has anointed it – can feel like an ephemeral gift some are just born with. The chosen among us network and chitchat, exuding warmth as they effortlessly hold court. Then there’s everyone else, agonising over exclamation points in email drafts and internally replaying that joke they made in the meeting, wondering if it hit. “Well, this is awkward,” Mike Rizzo, the...

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