
Ampol Limited Ordinary Shares

Company Details

Registered Office: 29-33 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW, Australia
Postal Address: 29-33 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW, Australia
Telephone: +61-2-9250-5000
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 17/05/2022
Balance Date: 31 December
AGM: 12/05/2023

Directors and Executives

Simon Allen
Gregory Barnes
Chief Financial Officer
Mark Chellew
Independent Non-Executive Director
Yvonne Chong
Company Secretary
Melinda Conrad
Independent Non-Executive Director
Elizabeth Donaghey
Independent Non-Executive Director
Steven Gregg
Matthew Halliday
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Michael Ihlein
Independent Non-Executive Director
Gary Smith
Independent Non-Executive Director
Faith Taylor
General Manager
Penny Winn
Independent Non-Executive Director


Title Date Type
Notification regarding unquoted securities - Appendix 3G Wed, May 29 2024 12:21 pm GENERAL
Change of Director's Interest Notice Wed, May 29 2024 12:09 pm SHINTR
Change of Director's Interest Notice Wed, May 22 2024 12:40 pm SHINTR
Appendix 3Z - Mark Chellew Fri, May 10 2024 12:17 pm GENERAL
2024 Ampol Annual General Meeting Results Thu, May 09 2024 02:41 pm MEETING
2024 AGM Addresses and Presentation Thu, May 09 2024 11:37 am MEETING
1Q 2024 Trading Update Tue, Apr 30 2024 09:34 am GENERAL
Notification of cessation of securities - Appendix 3H Mon, Apr 08 2024 12:29 pm GENERAL
Notification regarding unquoted securities - Appendix 3G Mon, Apr 08 2024 12:22 pm GENERAL
Notification regarding unquoted securities - Appendix 3G Mon, Apr 08 2024 12:12 pm GENERAL

Major Holdings Announcements

No major holdings

Director’s Interests Announcements

no directors' interests listed

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 27/09/2023

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