
Dive into the dynamic world of digital currencies with BusinessDesk's comprehensive coverage on cryptocurrency. Our dedicated section brings you the latest news, in-depth research, and expert market analysis. Whether you're interested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or emerging altcoins, we provide the insights you need to navigate the crypto market confidently. Perfect for investors, enthusiasts, and professionals seeking up-to-date information on cryptocurrency trends, regulatory changes, and investment opportunities in New Zealand and beyond.

Swiss poke holes in crypto-diversifier theory

David Chaplin: Swiss poke holes in crypto-diversifier theory

Bitcoin should, in theory, have diversification benefits for share investors, according to a new study by the Swiss Finance Institute.

David Chaplin 13 Jul 2022
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Kiwi crypto miners sell soon-to-be stranded assets

Kiwi crypto miners sell soon-to-be stranded assets

Do-it-yourself crypto miners are selling their rigs before they become stranded assets. 

Dan Brunskill 13 Jun 2022
The crypto reckoning will be worse than financial

The crypto reckoning will be worse than financial

Crypto investing is currently done on the “greater fool” theory – that you buy it, hold it for a while, hope someone who’s even more enthusiastic than you comes along and buys it off you for more than you paid.

Frances Cook 01 Jun 2022
BitPrime calls on crypto community for cash

BitPrime calls on crypto community for cash

The crypto retailers plan to create a decentralised autonomous organisation to give supporters a say in how the business is run. 

Dan Brunskill 17 May 2022