Compass: how a global catering giant gobbles up hospital contracts
Business of Health Free

Compass: how a global catering giant gobbles up hospital contracts

Do greater growth and savings on ingredients mean NZ patients get a raw deal? 

Murray Jones 30 Nov 2022
Health 'worse than abysmal' on contract transparency
Business of Health Free

Health 'worse than abysmal' on contract transparency

The health department falls short of the government's standards for revealing contracts. 

Murray Jones 29 Nov 2022
Are we getting what we pay for in the health system?
Business of Health Free Exclusive

Are we getting what we pay for in the health system?

The health minister says he aims to rein in inefficient contracting.

Murray Jones 15 Nov 2022
Juicy Fest: How a nostalgic 90s NFT play failed to fire

Juicy Fest: How a nostalgic 90s NFT play failed to fire

A music festival’s non-fungible token scheme fails to excite its fan-base. Experts wonder what protection buyers really have.

Murray Jones 24 Aug 2022