How much for cash?In the good old days, your plumber would have an answer to that question. But the demise of physical money, a sustained regulatory crack-down on the ‘black economy’ and a surplus of anti-money laundering rules have rendered the ‘cashie’ obsolete: a piece of fina...
Broadband retailers have expressed disappointment over Chorus’ plan to increase wholesale broadband prices, saying now is not the time. While it had delayed its usual price hike on March 23 as the country went into lockdown, yesterday Chorus said from October 1 it will impleme...
A year ago this week I was in Beijing visiting tech companies and talking to scientists and entrepreneurs about the advances the country is making on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence research. Against the backdrop of US president Donald Trump’s escalating trade war wit...
Kleos Space is assessing the cost and impact of losing technology in Rocket Lab’s failed launch on the weekend.
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