The Life

The Life is a BusinessDesk section for people with an appetite for living well, who like to celebrate the good things in life – whether that’s investing in your health and wellness or a weekend at a lodge. 

Table for one - discover the joy of eating alone
Culture Free

Table for one - discover the joy of eating alone

When I was 19 and doing a law degree I didn’t finish, I waitressed at a Wellington restaurant that mistook white tablecloths and a snooty attitude for class.While most of that year was an exercise in teeth-gritting, one positive memory is of a customer, a woman of gracefully grey...

My Net Worth: Paul Goldsmith, MP
My Net Worth Free

My Net Worth: Paul Goldsmith, MP

Welcome to My Net Worth, our regular column on the lives and motivations of our country’s top business and political people, in their own words.Paul Goldsmith is the National Party’s finance spokesman.  A former historian, biographer and ministerial adviser, he was elected to Par...

25 Sep 2020
Spring fling - bright, block colours and clashing prints are back in fashion
Style & fashion Free

Spring fling - bright, block colours and clashing prints are back in fashion

The arrival of spring brings with it the desire to inject more colour and print into our wardrobes. Longer, warmer days are the perfect time to try statement florals, bright block colours and clashing prints, best paired back with crisp white accents and beautiful flats for an ef...

Sally-Ann Mullin 25 Sep 2020
Big reds - how does Villa Maria's 2014 The Gravels Ngakirikiri Cabernet Sauvignon perform against the world's best?
Wine Free

Big reds - how does Villa Maria's 2014 The Gravels Ngakirikiri Cabernet Sauvignon perform against the world's best?

The ContestHow do you fast-track the reputation of a prestigious new wine label? Simple. Serve it blind with a bunch of big-name wines to a group of six wine critics. Best scenario: it beats some of the big guns and receives extensive publicity. Worst scenario: it trails the fiel...

Bob Campbell MW 25 Sep 2020