Amazon's LOTR: One NZ film grant to rule them all

Amazon's LOTR: One NZ film grant to rule them all
Amazon's LOTR series will be on a scale that far exceeds any single film or television series made in NZ to date.
John Barnett
A TV series based on Ariki o Nga Mowhiti, or JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (LOTR) if you are US tech giant Amazon, the Tolkien Estate, an Amazon subscriber, or a follower of New Zealand film and the Wizard of Wellington, has been approved to receive the NZ Screen Production Grant for international productions. However, the additional uplift will result in a 25% rebate on Qualifying NZ Production Expenditure (QNZPE) on the production of what's expected to become a massive multi-season TV series that Amazon has already started work...

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