PETER GRIFFIN: The health passport - simultaneously clever and scary

PETER GRIFFIN: The health passport - simultaneously clever and scary
Peter Griffin
Analyst group Gartner has published its annual Hype Cycle, which tracks 1,700 unique technologies to plot when marketing buzz and ‘vapour-ware’ are likely to give way to real tech products we could actually put to good use.The Hype Cycle, according to Gartner, sees a technology go through five distinct phases: the technology trigger; the peak of inflated expectations; the trough of disillusionment; the slope of enlightenment; and finally, the plateau of productivity. The process for most technologies typically takes five-t...

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New crime for intentionally withholding wages
Law & Regulation

Rachael Judge: New crime for intentionally withholding wages

The amendment is not intended to criminalise employers acting in good faith.

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