In March of last year, Judith Collins was but a senior member of parliament for the opposition. Today, she is a senior member of the government, with more portfolio responsibilities than any other minister in the National-led coalition.

Collins spent a significant amount of her time in opposition learning about NZ's tech sector and wooing its members.

It was in March when we asked for her thoughts on tech in NZ and what she would focus on if she made it into the cabinet, which we played in our first-ever episode.

Listening back, one of the most interesting things is thinking about just how far we’ve come with artificial intelligence in less than a year. You can also hear the beginnings of one of Collins’ other portfolios – digitising government.

With the new administration's first full year in power ahead, it’s a great time for us to replay this interview with the now-minister for space and see what could be in store for tech in 2024.

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