As gas dwindles, Genesis warns the sector over coal supply

As gas dwindles, Genesis warns the sector over coal supply

 'Low gas production threatens energy security', ministers warn. 

Ian Llewellyn 08 May 2024
Can investing in fossil fuels be ethical?
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Can investing in fossil fuels be ethical?

To get into the future of energy, and dodge the dinosaurs, what do you need to know?

Frances Cook 06 May 2024
Fast-track legislation risks litigation, says Transpower

Fast-track legislation risks litigation, says Transpower

The proposed law needs tweaks to achieve its purpose, the SOE says.

Ian Llewellyn 29 Apr 2024

Ian Llewellyn
Ian Llewellyn

News Editor

Ian is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience working in NZ and the UK. This has included radio, newspapers, and agencies with time also as a ministerial advisor and press secretary. Experience in the Press Gallery includes reporting for the Independent Business Weekly and more than 10 years with the New Zealand Press Association.

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