Cooking the Books podcast: would you invest in someone else’s mortgage?
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Cooking the Books podcast: would you invest in someone else’s mortgage?

In today's episode, Frances discusses the pros and cons of peer-to-peer lending.

Frances Cook 24 Apr 2023
Money Answers: when is the right time to change KiwiSaver fund?
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Money Answers: when is the right time to change KiwiSaver fund?

The right type of KiwiSaver fund is a matter of timing.

Frances Cook 22 Apr 2023
Cooking the Books podcast: taking a business from bootstrap beginnings to VC investment
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Cooking the Books podcast: taking a business from bootstrap beginnings to VC investment

In today's episode, Cook talks to the founder of Twiice about how it's finding investors to help it break into Europe.

Frances Cook 17 Apr 2023
Money Answers: is KiwiSaver enough?
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Frances Cook: Money Answers: is KiwiSaver enough?

KiwiSaver might be the best choice for your money but there are a couple of options to help boost your retirement.

Frances Cook 15 Apr 2023